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Do I need Pilates experience to join?No you do not. If you have an injury and are feeling apprehensive about a moving, our recommendation is that you schedule a Private class for your first visit to understand the work. If you are feeling strong and have no injuries, feel free to join a Pilates Reformer class and let your instructor know it is your first class and any concerns or limitations.. We are happy to have you!
How do I get free advice?Talk to the instructor about any concerns, limitations or injuries you have. We are here to help.
What are the benefits of PilatesPilates is a full body exercise method that tones, strengthens and lengthen your whole body. Deepen your understanding your own body in a holistic way. With consistent practice, your clothes will fit better, lose inches, and will sleep better. Pilates does wonders for your spine as we focus on core work. As you work your core your, back strengthens and you become stronger overall.
Can I lose weight with Pilates?With a consistent Pilates practice you will lose inches and your clothes will definitely fit better. If you combine Pilates with a sensible diet you will lose weight. Be sure to join our Jump-board classes for an intense cardio workout.
When will I notice difference in my body?Our recommendation is to practice 3 to 4 times a week. Joseph Pilates said it best: 'You will feel better in ten sessions, look better in twenty sessions, and have a completely new body in thirty sessions. ' Remember that consistency is the key. Give yourself the gift of staying healthy.
Until what age can I practice Pilates?Pilates is for anyone at any age. My oldest client is 92 and she is Fabulous!
What if I practice other exercises?Pilates is a great complement to any physical activity furthermore, it improves athletic performance. Its a great complement as we focus on the entire body and most specifically on the core. For example, if you are a runner or a walker, you are probably not opening your chest and doing upper body work, therefore you will benefit from upper body work, and the lengthening.. If you are a Tennis or a Golfer player, you would greatly benefit from the twisting exercises to improve your game or if you just simply sit an an office you will benefit from the stretching and posture exercises.
Can I practice Pilates while pregnant?You can practice Pilates all the way thru your pregnancy. However we recommend you start after your first trimester. We will use a Wedge to make comfortable and safe and provide modifications if necessary.
Where do I park?The easiest place to park is in Coral Gables Public Garage #4. It is located right behind the studio and you can cross the back alley to get into the building from the back side. Just look for the sign "320" on the building. You can also park in the street. Remember that the Studio is in the South side of Miracle Mile, between Salzedo and LeJuene. We are on the second floor of J Del Olmo Bridal building.
What do I wear?Grip socks are mandatory; bring them or purchase them at the Studio. Please wear athletic clothing so that the Instructor can make adjustments to your form if necessary and ring water. Wear your hair up high if you have long hair.
320 Miracle Mile Suite 204, Coral Gables FL 33134
Email: / Tel: 305 401-2665
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